Spring is one of the four seasons of the year. It is after winter and before summer. In Spring, flowers blossom and the temperature gets higher. The days are longer than the nights and the animals come out of hibernation
In Brazil (and in Southern Hemisphere), Spring begins on September 23rd and ends on December 21st. In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring starts on March 21st and ends on June 21st. In Ireland, Spring traditionally starts on February 1st, Saint Brigid’s Day. In Australia and New Zeland, Spring begins on September 1st.
There are lots of flowers that grow in Spring: roses, violets, hibiscus, jasmines, orchids and sunflowers.
Museums are places where we can learn, study and even play. They are very interesting and cool. Some people think that museums are boring, but they aren't-they are awesome!!
Museums in...
Memorial do Imigrante (Immigrant’s Memorial)
Address: Rua Visconde de Parnaíba Time: Tuesday to Sunday and holidays- from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: R$4
General info: this museum teaches us about the long journey and life of the immigrants. There you can also see where they stayed for a few days and where were they from. If you want, you can search your surname in the museum to see if there was someone of your family that stayed at the guesthouse.
Estação Ciências (Science Station)
Address: Rua Guaicurus
Time: Tuesday to Friday-from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Weekends and holidays-from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission: R$4
General info: At Estação Ciências you can see inside the human body and learn about the stars and tsunamis. You can experience an earthquake and discover more about Maths. You can see how we can make electricy and magnetic waves. You can play chess on a big chessboard.
Children’s museum
Address: Congress Street
Time: Saturday to Thursday-from 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m.
Fridays-from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Admission: Price-$12
General info: Here you can learn about science in a different form: playing! You can discover how to make bubbles, dance, jump and even smile! You can also visit “The Wizard of Oz” with Dorothy and buy cute stuff at the museum’s shop.
Museum of Fine Arts
Address: Huntington Avenue
Time: Saturday to Tuesday-from 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Wednesday to Friday-from 10 a.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Admission: Adults-$22
Seniors and students-$20
General info: You can learn about the ancient Greeks and Egyptians there. Then, you can see some contemporary pictures. Just go to another room and study the Civil War’s paintings. There are lots of different kinds of arts, from different places, times and artists.
LONDON British Museum
Address: Great Russell Street
Time: Saturday to Thursday-from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Admission: Free
General info: Visit “A history of the world”, where, in 100 objects, you can learn about the world history from two million years ago to nowadays. You can also see “Treasures of heaven” and learn about Medieval Europe’s religions.
Museé du Louvre (Louvre Museum)
Address: avenue du Général Lemonnier
Time: Monday, Thursday and weekend-from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday-from 9 a.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Admission: Є10
General info: See the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci, walk through the marvellous gardens and watch a film in the auditorium! This museum is big, but very beautiful and interesting!
Reading is a fantastic adventure where we can imagine different places and characters.
There are books that make us imagine more than that. They make us feel excited and we can’t stop reading them, like the following stories.
A fantastic book, where we discover that there’s magic everywhere-even while reading. Meggie, a twelve-year-old girl, discovers that when her father reads aloud, the story comes alive. Then, she also discovers that she has the same talent.
Unfortunately, when she was just three, her father read her mother into a book called Inkheart (it was an accident). Nine years later, they started looking for Meggie’s mother and met different characters, some real, some unreal.
The 39 clues series
Amy and Dan Cahill, two Bostonian children are looking for clues. These clues are part of a hunt, prepared by Grace, their dead grandmother. Some other members of the family are in the hunt too. They visit different countries around the world with their au pair (a nanny) called Nellie Gomez. All the other members of the family have money or parents or both. They are the only team that doesn't have these resources.
Percy Jackson’s books
Those books are a very interesting mixture of history and the modern world. A twelve-year-old boy, called Percy Jackson, who has lots of problems at school, discovers that he’s a semigod, half human, half god. His father is Poseidon. He goes to a camp called Camp Half Blood and meets other teenagers that are daughters and sons of the Olympus’s gods. Percy meet a girl called Annabeth and a boy called Grover. Grover is half goat, half human. Throughout the series, they confront monsters and evil semigods.
It was Colin Firth's (a British actor) birthday-on September 10th- and Stella McCartney's (an English designer) birthday- on September 13th.
Amy Winehouse (an English singer) was born on September 14th, 1983 (she died on July 2011) and B. B. King (an American musician) was born in Itta Bena, Mississippi, on September 16th, 1925.
On September 15th was the Spanish princess's (Letizia Ortiz) birthday.