Monday, December 17, 2012

Lessons to a daughter

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” – Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever seen the video “If I should have a daughter”, by Sarah Kay? Well, here, I’ll show you, what lessons a mom should give her daughter (in Sarah Kay’s opinion).

First of all, her daughter should call her “Point B”. Why? Because like that she’ll always find her way back to her mother.  Then, she’ll say to her daughter, that “Life will hit you in the face and wait for you to get up again to kick you in the stomach”. In summary, “life is hard”.
This mother would also make sure she’ll paint the solar system on the back of her daughter’s hand. Then, this girl will have to learn about the whole universe to say “Oh, I know that like the back of my hand”. And, when this daughter realises Superwoman isn’t coming, her mother will make sure she won’t need to handle everything by herself, because she’ll always be on her side.

And when this girl puts her nose up, her mother will say “Don’t point your nose up at me, I’ve tried this trick lots of times. You’ll just find smoke, the smoke from the burnt house and then, the boy who lost everything in the fire and try to help him. Or, you’ll find the boy who set fire to the house and try to change him”. But this mother knows that this girl won’t be successful. That’s why this mother will have an extra chocolate bar and rain boots, because there’s no heart break that chocolate can’t fix (I mean, the MOST PART of them chocolate can fix). And for those unfixable with sweets, there are the rain boots, because when rain starts, they won’t let you get wet. And then, this mother will say “There will be days like this”, because smoke isn’t something you see just once in your life.

And, when this daughter does something wrong, her mom will say “Always apologize if you’re wrong, but NEVER for your curiosity’”. And, thinking about that, the girl will reflect if the wrong thing she did was out of curiosity or not, and then, she’ll do the right thing.

Afterwards, her mother will say: “This world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily, but don’t be afraid to taste it”, because life is made out of mistakes and attempts, which sometimes are right.