Friday, March 28, 2014

A British stutter and an Australian friend

Lionel Logue - "You still stammered on the 'W'." 
King George VI - "Well I had to throw in a few so they knew it was me."
- The King's Speech, 2010 

The movie “The King’s Speech”, directed by Tom Hooper from the year of 2010, tells the story of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth’s father, who stutters while speaking.

Prince Albert (the real name of the King, played by Colin Firth) is the younger son of King George V. The family often needs to speak on the radio, and Albert’s stuttering becomes a problem. He meets every good doctor in England, and gives up, believing there’s no cure to his speech issues.

One day, his wife, the Duchess of York (Helena Bonham Carter) gets him an appointment with Doctor Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), an Australian Shakespeare fan. At first, Albert is reluctant to accept Lionel’s methods, but, with time, they become good friends.

When King George V dies, Albert’s brother, David (Guy Pearce), takes over as king, but he soon abdicates the throne to marry an American divorcee, consequently, Albert becomes King George VI.

In September 1939, Britain declares war on Germany, and King George VI needs to make a speech) to the Nation. After preparing and training for it, he finally overcomes his stutter.

This movie was nominated for 12 Academy Awards, among them, Best Motion Picture, Best Actor, Supporting Actress and Supporting Actor.

I personally love this movie, for all the amazing performances (Colin Firth’s stuttering was incredibly realistic) and the actual plot, which is an interesting drama, full of light comedy (most of it made by the talented Geoffrey Rush), about a man, that overcomes his disabilities, for himself, and his country.

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